Virtualization, Cloud, Infrastructure and all that stuff in-between

My ramblings on the stuff that holds it all together

Peer to Peer VCDX Defense Workshop at UK VMUG

I have an idea for a side-workshop/session at the upcoming UK VMUG in November for people that are actively following the VCDX4/5 track thus I am polling for interest via this post…

The format would be that participants get a 15-20min slot to present their design defence to a “panel” comprising of other VMUG members. including some of whom have taken (and failed) the actual defense process with a view to providing feedback and some questioning.

We don’t have any VCDX secret-sauce to share or special VMware info that you can’t find on the web, but the goal is to allow you to dry-run your presentation in-front of a friendly audience of like-minded community members before you brave it for real.

You would need to commit to come prepared with a Powerpoint version of your defence presentation, the panel won’t have seen your full design documents, and won’t be reviewing them.

I have created a poll, so if you’re interesting in participating, and will be attending the UK VMUG in November (details here) then please let me know via the poll below so I can estimate interest and seek panel members from the community.

Because we will need to arrange logistics I would ask that you only express an interest if you are planning to attend the UK VMUG and will have something to present, a significant number of no-shows will make it difficult to justify putting this on.

Please vote below (Poll is open until the end of September)

5 responses to “Peer to Peer VCDX Defense Workshop at UK VMUG

  1. Chris Dearden September 5, 2011 at 11:02 am

    I’d love to take part in the review side – though I dont believe I will have anything to present.

  2. Simon Hamilton-Wilkes September 5, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    I think this is a great idea. I’m going to spend some time in the UK after Copenhagen, but sadly don’t think I can stretch it that far.

  3. Dave owen September 5, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    I’m in the same position as Chris. Also might’ve cool to do some troubleshooting and design scenario bits? But that could be a session with group input like the VCDX defence prep session at VMworld.

  4. Ernest Saadat (@esaadat) September 6, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    I wish we had something similar to that in US.

  5. Pingback: vTARDIS 5 at a VMUG near you… « Virtualization, Cloud, Infrastructure and all that stuff in-between

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